Sunday, January 9, 2011


(photo courtesy of Google images)

Me & Morphine...we are not very good friends! So I know I had some visitors a few days after surgery...I remember they were there...but I don't remember anything about our conversations...that is such a weird feeling! I think I spoke on the phone to a few people as well - I hope I wasn't too crazy!

Now I am taking something not nearly as strong for pain and I am feeling really good. I think once I get all these staples out (probably around 75 of them!) I will feel much better - keeping my fingers crossed that the doc will do that at my appointment on Wednesday. The hardest part is behind me and I am oh so looking forward to what is next.

But what is next? Lots of ideas...I'll fill you in as I figure it out...stay tuned! ;-)

1 comment:

  1. I remember my morphine pump after my C-section. I had a Wyatt at a Catholic hospital and remember being FASCINATED by the crucifix on the wall. Tim said I would not shut up about Jesus on the wall. :-) I also had a complete phone conversation with my sister thinking she was my mom. You know, the woman who DIED 5 years earlier?!!?! :-)
